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I joined the 1-bit jam again and I choose again an awesome music from you for my game! Play it, it fits perfectly!!! Thank you very much!

hey this is fantastic! Great work :D

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Your loops are really cool. I'm using one in my game for 1Bit Jam: Ty!


Hey that looks great! The jumping on the stairs was a bit tough, but I had a lot of fun playing it :D Love the 1-bit art style


Hi, I considered your feedback and launched the post jam version, thanks again!


Hey awesome! Glad to see the game again, I'll have to give it another shot. Congrats on getting a full release out there!


Hi, I found some interesting songs in your list. May I ask if can I use  some of those for a Metroidvania platformer game, please? It would be really cool and is it fine if I put your name in the credits roll?

Heya! These songs are licensed public domain so you can use them as much as you want! I'd love it if you put my name in the credits, but it's not strictly necessary. I think there is a readme text file in the ZIP you downloaded with info on that. When you release your game, feel free to link it to me, I'd love to see it! I'm glad you like the tunes, have a good one!


That sounds amazing! Thank you very much, we will be in touch :) :)

Sounds good! Best of luck with all the game making :D

Thank you so much!! :) :)

Hi, I'm using your music in my Helicopter Simulator! It really adds a lot and I wanted to say thank SO much for doing so much quality work. I donated some money and gave you a shoutout in my credits 😁

You mentioned it in another comment, but it definitely gives off SimCopter vibes. This looks fantastic! I'm glad you're enjoying the music and thanks for the donation, it means a lot :)


Sorry about the other comment 😅 I didn't mean to delete it, just edit, sorry! Looking forward to your future work!

No worries! I am looking forward to posting some more next month :D


These loops are awesome. I used a couple in my submission to the Coffee Jam. Thank you!

Whew! That was tough in places. I ended up getting 2:01 though, so not bad I hope :D


That's a pretty good time. :D


Used a few of your loops in my recent game Thanks so much!

ah heck yeah this is cool! i gotta give the game a download when I have a minute and get the full glow experience

Hey there, I used a couple of your songs for a game jam in my first ever game. Thank you for offering them for use, they sound great!


Eggs! This is a great collection game :D I got about 150 eggs before I got eaten heh I'm glad you enjoy the songs!

Thank you, glad to hear you like the game!

Hey there! These tracks are great, I bought and used a few of these in the game jam game I just submitted


Thank you for your tracks. Your music is awesome. I used 4 of them in my game.

Heya! It looks like I don't have access to the page, but I'm really happy you liked the music enough to use it! If/when the page gets open to everyone, let me know and I'll give it a peek :D

Oh sorry, I forgot

No worries! That was fun! I love the art in it and the powerups definitely add a lot of chaos to the gameplay :D

I used a couple of your tracks for a game I just submitted to a jam. Thanks for sharing!

What a cool idea! Boy that gets difficult fast but I can definitely see the concept coming together into something really cool!

Used one of the tracks as the background music for my 48 hour Game Jam game. Great variety of different tempo and themes.

I dig the theme with timing your double jumps. Looks like an immense amount of work for 15 hours in a game jame. Congrats on getting something out there!


You had a nice mellow track I used in my game Terrained - thanks!


Very chill game, I like it :)

Hey! I'm here to thank you for your awesome music. It really helped me tie up my last game :)

This is fantastic! Wonderful art style and use of the theme. Feels like a brawler version of Ikaruga in some ways. Boy it's hard too! I only got to level 2-3 or something


Hello! I made another game with your music in it:

Ha this is great, all those modifiers make things chaotic really fast!




Thanks brøether grafik.png


ha! hope you get some good use out of them :)


I'm working on my first game using some of your music! I credited you in the game description. Thanks!

This is fantastic! It looks like these kinds of games would be fun to make. Thanks for sharing!


Hi! I am developing a small minig game using your assets. Your user was properly mentioned on the credits screen. Feel free to check it out, it is a typing game for Mini Jam 164. Link:


This is great! I like how it encourages you to click on some stuff just to keep things interesting :)

Hello! Thank you for these epic tracks! I've used it three times in my mini projects and game jams. The most recent project was for the PirateSoftware game jam The other two games can be found on my profile page

These look really cool! I'll have to give them a look when I get time. I like that you shared your design doc for Shadowtail. I've always been bad at making docs like that and I've been looking at yours for how they are put together :)


Thank you! If you want more Game Design Documents to check out for reference, the PirateSoftware Game Jam required all submissions to come with a GDD  :)

Heym I used your music in my submission to the pirate software game jam, thanks!


wow!! what a wonderful set, especially in terms of how well they all go together.

Thanks so much! I'm glad that you're enjoying them. Hope you get some good use out of the music :)


great jams. ty for making !


Thanks for listening :D Hope you find a good use for the songs

Used one of your songs in my game for game-jam:
Thanks for the good music!


I like how you shifted the speed of the songs to fit the mood of the scene :D This is  a super cool project!


Thank you!


Used one of your tracks in a game I made for ArtFight! Thanks for making these available!


What a cool concept! Thanks for using the music :)

Thanks for making your music available! I used a few tracks in my first ever game jam!

That was fun! Beat it in 70 days, though I'm not sure if that's good or not haha


With my insider knowledge I usually beat it in spring (60-90) I'd say you did good.

Hey! I used one of your track in my game for the Kenney Jam, thank you so much for creating these!

If you wanna see the game itself ^^ :

Hey that looks great! I'll put it on my list to download and give a try :) Thanks for using the music! Always glad to see what people do with it

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Hey, I used some of your tracks. Hope that's ok. You did a great work :D


Of course it's ok! That's why I put 'em online :) This is a great game concept! 

Can't stop using your music in my game jam games, it's so awesome!

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Hi! Thank you for uploading these songs on! We love them and we are using one of them in our game.

Thank you and keep uploading them, please ^^

I'm glad you like the music! The pixel art in this looks fantastic :)



Hello! Thank you for making these available.
I found a couple of tracks that I really enjoyed and added them to my (still in very early development) game.

I'm still learning Unity and programming in general and having assets like these available to use is really useful.

Thank you again and I hope to comeback for more great music and support your efforts.

Hey this is a fantastic first project! I like the idea of making the blocks hexagons instead for fun bounces. Best of luck in your game development journey, feel free to reply to this thread with updates if you want to share with someone :)

Thank you! ^^
I'll certainly come back and keep you updated.

Hello again!
I've made a lot of progress and released v1.0.0 of Arkavoid.
Thank you again so much, having artists like you making assets available really helped giving character to my game!

It's great to see this come together! Looking forward to what you work on next :)

One things i wondered about, 

I find files I appreciate, but dont necessarily have a use for at the moment.

In cases like that i would gladly consider donating 1$ or 2.50$,

but in cases like this, it seems the minimum price is 5$.

While there are buttons to Support the Artist on the bottom,

of 1, 2 or 3$...

I 'am not sure if you know this, as i didn't at first,

but clicking the 1$ button on a 5$ file, simply changes the price to 5.99.

Or the 3$ button makes it 7.99$.

I was wondering if you would consider making a smaller price,

such as for somebody who might only need 10 or 20 tracks (1 of the four packs),

but then set the alternate price as 5$ for those who love and plan to use the whole set.

Again, I could be wrong, maybe then instead of selling 25 packs a month for 5$, you would just sell 25 packs for 2$, in which case ignore this comment completely.

Heya! I think the $5 is the suggested price, you should be able to put in whatever value you want :)

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Hi, an immpressive collection,

As a character design, sound effect, and pixel art creator,

I too have spent many an 8 hour day sorting 

through files to make just the right collection.

Listening through dozens of sounds before saving the 

Prototype "footstep", looping "forest Rain with Thunder" file,

or "shotgun hitting a wall" sound.

It shows how much effort you've put in.

Your titles will be the 1st i will include when setting up my own game,

and you can bet i shall contribute and give full credit as soon as that occurs

(I keep my word, it will occur)

I made sure to save the archives with your studio Name :)

Also, in case others, like me sometimes, go on file collecting sprees,

i dont think it would be at all egotistic or improper to put your studio name or your own title (Like Abstraction) in the title of your archives.

Personally, i dont always have the time right away to go through all the files at once. So i have a very real fear of finding a good resource, begin using it,  only to realize nowhere in the file does it list the name and where i can go for more...

I sincerely hope there aren't people who go around looking up game files, then contacting the creators, pretending to be the image/audio artist, only to blackmail them for a payout. 

Its me again! Another game jam, but a much smaller scope game this time - a little puzzle game where you balance a nuclear reactor!

The only issue with these jams is that i want to remake the games with the full scope i originally envisioned XD

Interesting idea! I like how the pieces interlink so well with the mechanics!

I cant take full credit for the mechanics, its all heavily inspired by a mechanic from a minecraft mod of all things, but im glad i got it functioning!

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ehey! i recently have been interested into your music, so i used it as my main BGM set for the entire Time Will Travel series! you can take a look at it here, no pressure of course.

Heya! Don't have time to play it right now, but the art in the screenshots looks great! I'm glad you are enjoying the music :)

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Hey! I use one of the music loops you created for my game menu screen

Click here for free version

Ha this is great, I love the art style you've got going on with this :)

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I used some of your music for the ScoreSpace Jam #30 and it definitely established the cozy mood and was a huge help for me! Still waiting for voting to finish but fingers crossed! Keep up the good work!

Hey this is great! I've been learning how to make a little twin stick shooter myself. It's a lot tougher than I expected :) I only made it to 5800 feet because of those little guys haha

Hey! I made a small game project with some of your musics. Thanks for the awesome work!

In case you wanna check it out:

This is fantastic! I love the art style. I wish I could just hold the mouse down to attack though XD


Tonight I'll update it so you will can! Thanks for the suggestion!

Good luck :D

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